
Exercise (2) Recipe (2)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Attacking Veggies!

Thanks to the hard work of Mrs. Obama and wonderful food advocates Americans can now follow an easy to read, easy to comprehend food plate!
Currently most Americans eat about 1/4 of the total fruit and vegetables that this plate shows.

Here's the deal, veggies are not as terrible as everyone perceives them to be! The problem lies in the preparation. Most people do not know what to do with fresh, frozen or even canned veggies other than microwave, steam, and maybe saute them.

Try this the next time you go out to buy produce:

Items Needed:
1 head of broccoli
1 head of cauliflower
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Make sure it's first cold press or from Europe)
Sea Salt or Kosher Salt
Cracked Pepper
Garlic Cloves (optional)
Lemon or Lemon Juice (optional)

Oven @ 375
1. Rinse the broccoli and cauliflower. Chop the florets off the main stalk (so they look like little trees!) Chuck the  giant stalks.
2. Throw all the broccoli and cauliflower on a baking tray
3. Drizzle liberally with the olive oil. Using your hands mix the broccoli/cauliflower around with the olive oil to coat everything.
4. Sprinkle a bit of salt (only a little! keep the sodium low!)
5. Add the pepper and any other toppings you see fit. I love lemon and garlic chunks (or powder)
6. Pop it in the oven for roughly 20 - 25 minutes.


Try adding your own fun flavors! Feel free to share!

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