
Exercise (2) Recipe (2)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Getting the Most Out of Your Workout

It's hard to not notice certain habits at the gym. If any of the following situations sound familiar, no need to be ashamed!  The faster you recognize it, the faster you can truly kick your butt in the gym!

The Grunter 
You've all seen them (or been them), the boys (generally) who pick up incredibly heavy weights and make loud noises as they throw the dumbbell up for a bicep curl. First and foremost, noise does not equal a better workout. Unless you are an Olympic lifter, you should not be screaming at the top of your lungs. However, it is important that you breathe while you lift or perform an exercise. A good word of thumb for most people is to breathe in when you are at the "eccentric contraction" and breathing out when you are on the "concentric contraction". For example: Bicep burl - breathe in as your arms are extending (getting straight), breathe out when you are curling the barbells up.

The Knee or Back Bender
Close behind The Grunter (or they are one in the same) is The Knee or Back Bender. This is the person whose knees are way over their toes on squats, up on their toes for a shoulder press, and their back practically looks like a C when they do a push press. None of these forms are correct, never have and never will be. This is a sure fire way to blow out your back or knees. Exercise is great, it's methodical and meticulous. Rules to live by:
- 90 degree angles. Whether it's squats or chest press, your knees or elbows should always be at 90 degrees. Show me a person who can do a squat where your knees are at a 90 degree angle and over your toes at the same time and I'll retract my statement.
- Maintain center of gravity. Our bodies are great, they know how to stand on two feet and remain upright! If you are ever putting weights above your waist (presses, bicep curls, upright rows, triceps extensions) your feet should always be shoulder width apart, center of gravity over the middle of your body and never ever ever should you be using your back (in a throwing motion) to get those weights up.

The Ab Cruncher
"Abs are made in the kitchen". I can't claim this phrase, but it's the best one out there. How many of you ladies want to get rid of that abdominal fat? Everyone right? How many of you do at least 100 crunches each week? Let me let you in on a little secret. (This won't work). Diet is the #1 best way to find those abs! I promise you have abs, and it's not a question of getting those muscles to pop! It's scraping away those fat layers! Better ways to go:
- cut out the crap. All of it, sugar, white breads/pastas, and processed crap and YES diet soda too.
- add in the veggies. Lots of them, greener the better!
- add in lean proteins and
- add in pretty colored starches (sweet potatoes) in small 1/4 cup amounts
Still having trouble?
- cut the fruit out - - we all react and metabolize fruit differently, some can eat tons of it. Unfortunately some of us like me can't eat too much.
- No carbs 3 hours before bed time

The Cardio Machine
No, not the literal machine. The person plugging away for hours on end each week. You want to lean out? You gotta pick up those weights! (see earlier posts for helpful tips to start off!)

The Wanderer
You know those people, they walk in to the gym, pick up a weight, do a set, walk around, fiddle with their ipod, try another machine? Just because you are physically at the gym, does not mean you are getting anything out of it. If you are truly confused with the equipment and don't which machines work which muscles or are afraid to try for fear of poor form - investing in an hour intro session to your gym is the best money you could spend. Ask at the front desk if a staff member could help you out, or see if you could pay for 1 training session to get to know the gym. Most places will offer a discounted rate for these types of "intros".
If you know what you are doing but still laze around, writing a plan before you walk into the gym keeps you accountable and keeps a record of your workout and progression.

All right! Now we are ready to really work out! Good luck!