
Exercise (2) Recipe (2)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Making March Count

My apologies for absolutely slacking on the updates, I was shocked when I found out it has been almost a month since my last one!

In other news, March is speeding up, which means spring breaks are quickly approaching and summer is just around the corner! Every year I see dozens of fitness magazines proclaiming that they can help you "get your beach body in a week". Even better are the weight loss advertisements, "lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks" (yeah ok). Let's be realistic, starving yourself is never the way to go. Working out like a fiend will just make you overly tired and frustrated.

Here's my proposal: The March Month Challenge
Ripped right from my experience as a coxswain for a rowing team, people can only handle one task at a time. Rather than trying to workout extra hard AND eat well AND get 8 hours of sleep AND stop eating all sweets, which will probably result in giving up on all goals, frustration, and almost definitely a binge day of Oreos w/ peanut butter, ice cream, guacamole & chips (ok fine, those are my pitfalls). Instead, for the next month, I challenge you to follow the assignment I give you. Try and stick to it for a week. Then add on the next task, work on focusing just on those two tasks. Ultimately, the sum of all of your new found practices will end in better results than trying to start them all at once. In crew, we called these "Power 10s" - with the idea being that for those 10 strokes you focused your hardest on the one technique that was called.

So let us begin.

Week 1: For the next week your focus is going to be on water. Water has this magical counterintuitive property. The more water you drink, the more water weight you will drop. Cool right? Not only that, but water flushes out your system of toxins, keeps you feeling full and hydrates your skin! Try to add three more glasses of water to your day, specifically before your meal. Studies have shown that consuming water before meals leads to eating less and ultimately weight loss. Additionally, think about every beverage you drink in the day (be it soda, wine, beer, vitamin water, etc) - - now replace 2 of these drinks during the day with water instead. Straight from the tap (or water filter or bottled) WATER. No "vitamin water", "replenish water", "Insertfancynamehere water" None. Just water. Easy right? See being healthy isn't a giant pain in the butt!

Good luck and check back next week for the next challenge! :-)